It’s been incredible to work for the following organizations. I’ve included a short description of each.
GRACE Communications Foundation
Digital Marketing and Communications Manager
August 2014 to present.
GCF’s mission is to educate consumers about the importance of buying and eating sustainable food. By promoting sustainably produced food, GCF helps counter the negative impact that industrial agriculture has on the environment, people and animals. We recently rebranded our flagship properties to
Nazareth Housing
Coordinator for Development and Communications
September 2011 to August 2014.
NH is a non-sectarian organization dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness in several communities in New York City. While NH does manage shelters and supportive housing, the organization’s main impact is in preventing families — primarily mothers and children — from becoming homeless in the first place. I remain very close with NH and serve as the Philanthropy Chair of the Junior Board.
State of Missouri – Office of Administration
Public Information Specialist
October 2010 to September 2011.
The State’s Office of Administration provides technical and information-related support for each various state department. Working directly with the office of Governor Nixon (D), the small team I worked with basically served as the comms shop for the state departments without one. We produced videos and other content for the communications directors of these departments and for the Governor’s initiatives. We also managed the state’s general social media channels and produced the state’s websites.
State of Missouri – Department of Natural Resources
Public Information Specialist
May 2010 to October 2010.
Missouri’s DNR manages the State Parks system. I worked with the DNR’s Communications Director to produce content for the State Parks’ new, award-winning website. Primarily we produced content to populate the site, including a featured video, photo slideshow and description for each park.
We Always Swing Jazz Series
Assistant Director
April 2009 – May 2010.
We Always Swing is an amazing jazz series that brings world-renowned jazz musicians to Columbia, Missouri. In addition to putting on a series of shows from small restaurants to giant theaters, the jazz series provides students with the opportunity to learn directly from critically-acclaimed jazz musicians.